

I live in High Wycombe in Buckinghamshire, England. My Dad put a camera in my hand when i was about ten. It was an “Ensign Selfix” which took 120 film and had bellows. Even for 1979, it was a truly ancient relic. But I loved it. I spent hours in my bedroom developing and printing and went on to study Commercial Photography at Art School. Most of my photography now takes place at dawn; it’s become ‘my thing’; It’s the best time. I see incredible things every day seen at no other time of the day and always deserted of humans. I’ve tried to collect some of these sights here, and give some information about the place or the thing that has caught my eye.

All images ©Ed Silvester 2022. Reproduction digital or print by permission only.

Ed won the the 2019 National Trust Handbook photography competition.
In 2020 his Print “Sunrise over Penn Estate” received an Honourable Mention in the world-wide Annual Photography Award (APA) Landscape Competition.
Editors Choice The Independant Photographer, Jan 2022

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APA 2020

honorary mention